Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Nanny For Hire...

So today we begin the process of interviewing nannys..yet again...our first nanny just wasn't working out. So here I sit counting the minutes until i go meet this potential new addition to our family. I hope my kids don't scare her away. Im not the best person to work for. I expect a lot from people I bring into my home, especially since we are paying them. I wouldn't call it being high maintenance, I just know what I want, and I like things done a certain way. So the perfect person would have to have a spine, because I will put you in your place if you aren't meeting my expectations. It's a wonderful quality to have, which is usually taught not learned. So wish me luck on this endeaveour, and also wish my potential employee's luck, they are about to enter the lions den!!


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I dislike Gameing

I am waiting for dear husband to be ready for bed. I tell you these video games are going to be the death of me. Its constant, it rules my life my whole being. All i here is pow-pow from the controllers and a bunch of buzzing and yelling. And he gets so angry about it, when he's loosing you would think that someone just told him he lost his job. I really think he needs therapy. Is there like an AA for people who are addicted to gameing? This has got to stop. Im considering throwing the damn thing away and telling him the kids broke it (is that bad of me) I mean it is not that serious please calm down dear husband your going to wake the babies, and than mama bear will NOT be happy. Good Night beautiful people :)

contemplating eating chocolate

so i bought a box of keeblers fudge shoppe cookies tonight. The kids have gone to bed and hubby is playing video games. I honestly feel like if i open these cookies there will be none for tomorrow. Who would know that i polished off an entire package of cookies? Im sure not going to tell anyone and I don't think dear husband would want people to know that his future wife can eat a package of cookies by herself in one sitting..mmm decisions decisions...someone please talk me out of this. My stomach will hate me in the morning hehe

thats my child

My daughter got a couple of baby dolls for her birthday, and my four year old son was "feeding" one of them while by daughter ran around and played. Well he must have been tired of taking care of them, because he yells out, "Gabby take care of your kids!!" I died laughing. But he was so serious, to the point where he was boiling mad and went in his room. Ahhh i love my life